The Best Ways to Prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2019

The Best Ways to Prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2019

There's nothing quite like saving big on your must-have (and didn't-know-I-needed) items on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  With Halloween behind us and the festive season in full swing, there's no better time to start preparing for these big shopping days. Here are some fool-proof ways to ensure you save big on your highly-coveted items this season. 

The Pre-Game

As any seasoned shopper will tell you, simply strolling into or clicking onto your favourite shops and online boutiques just won't cut it on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. It's integral that you have a game plan in place, and this of course, will require planning a few days in advance. 

Here are some tips to help you prepare:

Subscribe to email lists to stay connected

Subscribe to your favourite retailers' email lists or newsletters to ensure you stay caught up with seasonal promotions and exclusive offers. This can help you plan where you're going to spend your time shopping and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Make a wish list

Take advantage of online wish list tools to keep track of all the items you'd like to purchase for your family and loved ones, and even yourself! Saving your favourite items in advance can help streamline your shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 

Check social media

There are many Black Friday-themed social media pages that offer giveaways or information about specific sales, so keep a pulse on these outlets if you're active on social channels.

Check Black Friday pages

There are often websites dedicated to aggregating Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals, so ensure to keep tabs on them.

Familiarize yourself with store policies

Read up on store policies on price guarantees, returns, refunds and price matching. You'll want to be aware if price matching or other offerings, for example, are applicable on Black Friday and Cyber Monday prices.

Look out for exclusive promotions

Some stores and online retailers may launch their promotions at midnight the morning of Black Friday, so if you're up to staying up, you may be able to realize significant savings.

Game Day

Now that you've done your research and have compiled your wish lists, here are some tips to keep in mind on the big day.

Create your game plan

Now that you've done all of your research in your pre-game plan, compile this research to determine which stores (either physical or online) you'd most like to visit, and the respective logistics. Consider such things as: whether or not you'll have to line up, and which stores' offers expire at a certain time of day. Use this information to map out your Black Friday plans and refer to it throughout the day.

Dress for success

Perhaps the most overlooked aspect of Black Friday shopping is what you choose to wear. Whether you're planning on lining up in the early hours of the morning, battling crowds in a busy shopping centre, or simply shopping from home, you'll want to ensure your dressed comfortably for whatever environment you'll be in.

Enlist a friend

Two is always better than one, and taking advantage of exclusive promotions is no different. Tag team to leverage these promotions, and take advantage of having a second opinion when purchasing gifts for family members or mutual friends. 

Shop online

Check to see if your favourite stores will translate their in-store promotions online. Why wait in line and deal with large crowds when you can shop from the comfort of your own home? In the instance that your favourite shops are exclusively online boutiques, you'll successfully eliminate the pressure and stress of shopping in-store.

While the holidays are always a stressful time of year, shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday doesn't have to be. Ensure you get all of your must-have items for you, your family and friends seamlessly and with minimal stress. Be sure to also stay tuned to for exclusive Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotions on your favourite furniture and home décor, all of which you can shop from the comfort of your own home.